Cookie Consent Hosted Javascript Files
The cookie consent javascript module displays a dialog box at the bottom of every page of your website that:
- informs site visitors about the use of cookies on your site
- provides a link to the UW–Madison cookie notice
- displays a confirmation button that visitors can click to indicate that they understand the cookie policy
Once the confirmation button is clicked, the dialog box will no longer appear to that user when they visit your site, or any other website using this module, from the same device and browser.
How To Use Cookie Consent
There are three options available: the WordPress plugin, the drop-in option and the versioned option.
WordPress Plugin
This option is for WordPress websites on a subdomain of
You do not need the plugin if:
- You are a WiscWeb user.
- You are a UW Theme Lite user (as of version 2.2.2). The latest release of UW Theme Lite (v2.2.2) automatically places the cookie consent notice on your site. You should upgrade to the latest release.
- You are a UW Theme user. (As of version 1.6.0).
To install the plugin:
- Download the plugin to your computer. Do not unzip the file.
- In your WordPress admin area, visit the "Plugins" page.
- Click the "Add New" button, which will take you to the "Add Plugins" page.
- Click the "Upload Plugin" button.
- Click "choose file" and navigate to the place where you stored the zip file.
- Click the "Install Now" button.
- Once WordPress has installed the plugin, you should see a message "Plugin installed successfully." Click the "Activate Plugin" button.
Note: some server configurations may not allow you to upload the .zip file. In this case, please contact your server administrator.
Drop-In Option
This option is simple to use. Add the following code snippet to your webpage, either in the footer or in the head of your document with the defer attribute set:
<script src=""></script>
The snippet should be added on every page.
Basic Option
This option gives you a little more control over the script and version. Minified files are available for production use; non-minified files are also available for developers.
For production use, add the following code snippet to your webpage:
<script src=""></script>
<script>window.addEventListener('load', function(){window.cookieconsent.initialize()})</script>
The following options object can be passed to the initialize function:
var options = {
"enabled": true, // false disables the dialog
"testing": false // set to true for development environments only
Available versions:
1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 1.1.1
Contact the Office of Strategic Communication web team for help.